Free Write 2.3.20
What if birds flew solely in circles? If they flew fast enough they might catch a glimpse of themselves, maybe a tip of a wing. The way dogs try to catch their tails, the way we catch ourselves in the mirror. To fly in a circle would mean to constantly see the same thing over and over again. too fast, things go unnoticed, too slow things become exhaustingly mundane. I almost wish we flew in circles. Gaining perspective to what's below and whats above. But to fly in a circle, to see the same things over and over. Having only control over the speed at which we see them, could allow room to see what might seem to not be enough. See circles, they're repetitive. You know, like the repetition of words, of thoughts, eventually you lose track of their meaning. Once understood, once weighted, turned numb and unknown. Circles follow, they return to where they began and they're always a step ahead and a step behind. The way a ballerina twirls or a tire runs. The way we’re lassoed back into reality after a daydream. In fact, we can’t fly the way the birds do. Our bones and brain, too dense. To fly for us might be to swim, soaring is floating, treading is our arms as wings. Lose momentum, unable to tread, we drown. For the bird, to lose momentum, to refuse to fly mid air, it falls. Though we cannot breathe in water. And though birds cannot fly without wings, we both know what it like to live in circles.